Definition strains in zone combination frontal surface and surface of a mine drums


frontal surface
surface of drum
elements of hard
straining of crook

How to Cite

Fidrovskaya, N., & Lеsоvitsky K. (2019). Definition strains in zone combination frontal surface and surface of a mine drums. Engineering, (19). Retrieved from


In this article there are considered the problems of volting condition of frontal surface and surface
of a mine drum. This area is the most vulnerable from the point of view of appearance of a local voltage.
In the mine drums, as a rule frontal surfaces are reinforced of stiffening ribs, which are
welded all around the perimeter of frontal surface.
During the work of a drum in the places of mating appear considerable moments of bending
and transverse forces. The calculations of mine drums do not consider local voltage, that are
situated near the welding of stiffening elements.
Using the condition of consistency of deformation we defined the voltage of the bend in
conjunction of a frontal surface and a fob. It allows to give right valuation of construction of mine drum.