Influence of the Metod of Alloying on the Allotment of the Simple Phase in Surfacing Layers


flux-cored wire
titanium carbides

How to Cite

Bagrov, V. (2019). Influence of the Metod of Alloying on the Allotment of the Simple Phase in Surfacing Layers. Engineering, (19). Retrieved from


The aim of the work is the development and improvement of wear-resistant surfacing steels
for the restoration of hot metal stamping dies by regulating the composition of the weld metal in the
parts of the de-energized flux-cored wire in the weld pool. In this case, the composition of the deenergized flux cored wire can correspond to the composition of the electrode powder cored wire.
Methodologically, the work is performed as follows: based on the analysis of literature sources
and the studies carried out, methods of alloying and surfacing materials for the restoration of hot metal
stamps are studied. This allowed us to identify the features of various technologies for welding dies. The
analysis of the applied methods of alloying the weld metal on the distribution of the strengthening phase
showed that they have both advantages and disadvantages. Based on this, the flux-cored wires of the CrMn-Mo-Ti system were developed and the technology of their application was proposed.
It is established that the increase in wear resistance of 20Х3Г9М5Т2С steel is achieved due
to additional diffusion formation of the carbide phase during aging, increasing the contact strength
and microplasticity of the surface layer, a significant amount and uniform distribution of the carbide
phase in the weld metal.