It has been established that the life of the repaired equipment in actual use is no more than
50% compared to the new, the wear rate of parts after repair increases 1.8 times, which is due to the
lower quality level of the repaired parts compared to new ones. Analysis of the literature has shown
that the most accessible and widely used method in the practice of machine-building and agricultural enterprises of various sizes is gas-flame spraying, which is the simplest and lowest cost among
the methods of gas-thermal spraying of coatings.
It has been established that a promising way of preparing the surface for spraying is mechanical treatment with a brush tool.
The technological process of restoring and hardening worn-out cylindrical surfaces of parts
by flame spraying was developed, on the basis of which repair parts were made and production tests
were performed. Achieved an increase in wear resistance of 1.35-1.37 times in comparison with
parts manufactured by traditional technology.