Labor safety, dangerous and harmless working conditions of workers, protection of their health in the modern world is of great importance in connection with the intensive development of the production sector, automation and mechanization of production, the emergence of new activities.
The data on the current state of industrial injuries in Ukraine are given. An analysis of occupational injuries in Ukraine showed that in 2019, compared with 2018, the number of industrial accidents decreased by 8.6%, while the number of fatally injured on the contrary increased by 17.1%. The analysis of statistical data from the causes of industrial accidents for 2019 cited by the Social Insurance Fund of Ukraine showed a significant advantage of organizational causes of accidents - 66.8% compared with psychophysiological reasons (18.4% of accidents), with technical reasons (11, 9%). The dynamics of occupational injuries in the engineering industry from 2012 to 2019 is considered. among various industries, it was found that the industry is in fifth position.
At the present stage of development of society in enterprises, considerable attention is paid to the enterprise management system. The labor protection management system is an integral part of the overall integrated enterprise management system, the purpose of which is to improve the state of labor protection, labor safety, health protection and social security of workers. The basic definitions of the term “labor protection management system” are given. The features of the OSH management system in accordance with ISO 45001, OSH management based on risk assessment, safety culture are considered. Issues of risk determination methods are considered. It is shown that the improvement of industrial safety is based on improving the labor protection management system, taking into account the human factor, and developing a safety culture. Separate decisions are given on improving the OSH management system, the basic principles of a safety culture at all organizational levels of the enterprise (training, taking into account the human factor, functional state, communication and organizational culture).