The article analyzes the existing normative and methodical support for automatic control systems for hydraulic turbo-alternators, which showed that currently there are no universal normative methods of structural-parametric synthesis of precision ATS hydraulic units that can be guaranteed to provide high performance in normative, technical and normative-methodological documentation. accuracy of speed and power control. It is determined that in domestic regulatory and technical documents the normally permissible and maximum permissible values of the frequency deviation are significantly less than in the West European power systems united in ENTSO-E (European Network of Transmission System Operators for Electricity) where primary and secondary control provide higher quality frequency regulation. According to the norms of the UCTE (Union for the Co-ordination of Transmission of Electricity), which is part of ENTSO-E, the frequency regulation is normalized by the amount and time of readiness for the use of reserves, the coefficient of static and the dead zone of the automatic control systems of HPP units.