The article discusses experimental studies of vibration accelerations that occur in the axle of
the traveling wheels, when moving the cargo carriage of an overhead crane. Crane wheels are the
first crane elements to wear out. A decrease in their work leads to an increase in repair costs. Therefore, increasing the durability of crane traveling wheels due to their modernization is a very urgent
task for modern crane construction. All designs of crane traveling wheels are quite rigid and do not
perceive shocks and distortions that occur when the rail track deviates from the recommended values, which leads to significant wear of the flanges and rails.
For comparison, solid double-ribbed running wheels with a cylindrical rim were selected.
These wheels are used in almost all overhead traveling cranes. Also, wheels of a modernized design were manufactured for experimental research. The upgraded wheels consist of three layers and have
an elastic rubber insert made of a rubber compound.
To check the theoretical data that were obtained earlier, an experiment was carried out on an
overhead crane with a lifting capacity of 5 tons, a span of 22.5 m., a lifting height of 8 m., an operating mode of 7K. bridge crane trolleys and on the axis of the driven modernized running wheel of
the bridge crane cargo trolley.
The analysis of the solutions that were obtained showed that when using a modernized traveling wheel with an elastic rubber insert, the dynamic factors when moving the cargo carriage of an
overhead crane decrease. The analysis of the regularity of the formation of vibration signs during
the movement of the cargo carriage of an overhead crane at various speeds, as well as in its various
operating modes is carried out.
The proposed modernized design of a running wheel with an elastic rubber insert makes it
possible to increase its operational reliability and reduce the formation of vibration accelerations in
the vertical direction.