The criterion of the limiting wear of the USPSh guiding elements for separation operations
has been determined. Reliability tests were carried out in production conditions, the operation of the
die layouts was considered reliable until the loss of the accuracy of the stamping parameters, the
cause of which is the extreme wear of the guide elements of the re-adjustable dies.
It has been established that if the displacement value exceeds the gap between the working
parts of the dies, the latter are hacked. With an uneven position of the gap, the stability of the dies is
reduced by 1.5 times. USPSh blocks are equipped with guiding elements, which are made according
to the 5th grade of accuracy (for USPSh) and 6-7 grade of accuracy (for USSH). The values of the
smallest double-sided gaps between the matrix and the punch (zmin) are given, for which the UZPSh
arrangements with guiding elements made according to 6-7 accuracy grades are suitable for the
condition of plate displacement in the horizontal plane.
The calculation of the value of the displacement of the punch relative to the nominal position
(m) when turning through the angle α for USPSh layouts with a diagonal or axial arrangement of
guide columns has been performed. The values of the displacement of the punch from the nominal
position during the rotation of the upper plate of the diagonal or axial arrangement of the UZPSh,
the value of the smallest gaps between the matrix and the punch, for which blocks with sliding
guides of the 5th grade of accuracy are suitable, are given.