The article considers some aspects
of physical and technological features of weld formation in a magnetic field of current flowing
along a rectilinear conductor located above the tail of the welding bath in the plane of the welded
joint perpendicular to the electrode in high speed magneto-controlled welding. The results of
research on welding with the increased speed by a magneto-controlled arc, and their influence on formation of undercuts of a weld are also shown. In the study of the physical phenomena arising
from high-speed welding of a magnetically controlled arc with a non-fusible cathode, it is
established that there are no significant contradictions, except for one point of view, when some
researchers consider the conditions of seam formation on the basis of the general law of equilibrium
of acting and counteracting forces, while others focus on the features of the formation of defects
due to violations of this balance caused by spatial changes in the arc position as a source of heat and
redistribution of density of Lorentz forces on a melt of a welding bath.
Based on the research into establishing the peculiarities of the formation of welds in highspeed welding of a magnetically controlled arc with a non-fusible cathode, the behavior of a
welding arc with a tungsten cathode in a magnetic field flowing through a rectilinear conductor
located above the tail which is welded perpendicular to the electrode is described.
The information established during the experiments on some features of seam formation and
stability of non-fusible electrodes of EVL and EVL-3 brands in the magnetic field of lateral current
supply, which can be used in high-speed welding of a magneto-controlled arc with non-fusible
cathode, is also given