International standards for defining the concept of interlaboratory (intralaboratory)
comparisons are analyzed. The main tasks of interlaboratory comparisons during the qualification
test are determined. The main requirements for monitoring the reliability of the results of
interlaboratory (intralaboratory) comparisons and in assessing the accuracy of measurement
methods by typical tasks of interlaboratory comparisons are described. Possible ways of using
standard samples for the purposes of proficiency testing are considered. The purpose of
intralaboratory comparisons in accordance with international standards is determined. In accordance
with the requirements of international standards, a scheme for conducting an experiment based on
balanced homogeneous levels is proposed. The approach to conducting comparisons for checking
the qualification of the laboratory during the implementation of the standard methodology, as well
as for the preliminary assessment of the precision of the developed methodology is defined. The
basic principles of the method of comparisons are analyzed. The main requirements for performing
measurements during the experiment in interlaboratory (intralaboratory) comparisons are
determined. The requirements for the homogeneity of the material of the samples used in
interlaboratory (intralaboratory) comparisons are briefly described. The activity of foreign and
domestic providers of qualification tests is briefly described. The main requirements to the samples
used for the experiment to assess the accuracy of interlaboratory (intralaboratory) comparisons are
analyzed and determined.