The article provides an improved method for calculating the parameters of the thermal part of
steam vapors, which makes it possible to quickly and with sufficient accuracy evaluate the change in
the efficiency of heat conversion in a turbine depending on a change in the operating mode or a
change in the design of individual circuit elements. The improvement makes it possible to significantly reduce the volume of calculation operations for determining the element that deviated from the calculated mode of operation and losses as a result of this. The essence of the improvement is that the
turbo installation is divided into separate regenerative stages, the number of which is determined by
the number of regenerative selections. At the same time, the re-generative stage consists of a series of
sequentially (pairwise) included elements. The heat balance equation for the sequence of the technological process in the regenerative stage is given, as well as the heat balance equation, taking into account the fact that in the elements of the regenerative stage heat is not consumed equally for the flow
part, the chamber and steam pipeline of the selection, the regenerative heater and the drainage systems. A system of equations is presented that describes the relative values of heat flow distribution in
each element of the regenerative stage. The obtained criteria characterize the efficiency of heat conversion in the elements of the regenerative stage and determine the quality indicators of the turbine
operation, namely: the coefficient of the useful effect of the conversion of heat into work, the coefficient of energy losses in the elements of the regenerative stage, and the coefficients of heat return. The
method of determining energy overspending as a result of a technological failure (partial or complete)
by comparing the actual heat consumption with the reference one is given. The equation for determining the internal efficiency of a turbo installation is presented in order to assess the effect of changes in
the regenerative degree on the operation of the turbo installation. The improved technique allows analyzing the condition of the elements of the turbine installations of power plants both during operation
and when choosing the optimal modernization options and, depending on this, taking measures to
eliminate technological failures in the power unit and improving the indicators of the quality of the
power units, namely the indicators of reliability and energy efficiency