By the dynamic characteristics of volume hydraulic drive include its inertia, elastic and
dissipative characteristics and moments acting on the rotors of hydraulic fluid from the working
dynamics which can be represented with varying degrees of accuracy depending on the study objectives
and design features of the volumetric hydraulic drive. Often simplified description of the dynamics of
the working fluid is reduced to one ordinary differential equation of continuity, which is a consequence
of the law of conservation of mass, which sometimes is not sufficient to assess the interference volume
hydraulic drive and power transmission, of which he is. The article proposed to describe the behavior of
the fluid of the telegraph equation, the solution of which can be represented in D'Alamber form, in the
form of a superposition of the forward and backward waves of pressure and speed, which allows the
possibility in principle of mutual evaluation of the impact of different physical nature of mechanical and
hydrodynamic processes in steps designing and debugging of prototypes and hydromechanical systems
is essential to ensure the continued operation of high-quality power transmission vehicles. This
approach can be applied to solve the problems of the analysis of arbitrarily complex structure of linear
and nonlinear models of power transmission at any level of detail, the mathematical description of the
elements of volume hydraulic drive and all modes of operation .