An essential attribute of nearly every unit in the engineering industry are the compounds with
the guaranteed tightness. Considering the technology of assembly and disassembly of connections with
a tightness in their creation and maintenance, it is necessary to take into account a number of factors:
technological (assembly, disassembly), design (size, material, configuration, connection details, the
location of the parsed node relative to other installation elements), as well as some of the features
inherent to the selected process for assembling or disassembling, which may impose certain restrictions.
For processes using such a thermal influence determining factor is the temperature of
heating parts, which may be limited to physico-chemical properties of the material details.
The article examines how the heating temperature depends on the basic parameters of the
connection with the guaranteed tightness: the nominal size and the maximum a tightness (planting).
Examined the most common planting preferred application.