Decrease of dynamic loaded in the hoisting cranes elements during quasioptimality time control of its movement. Part I
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How to Cite

Loveikin, V., & Romasevych, Y. (2019). Decrease of dynamic loaded in the hoisting cranes elements during quasioptimality time control of its movement. Part I. Engineering, (18), 6–13. Retrieved from


The quasioptimal movement speed control of the crane with cargo on a flexible suspension
have been built.
Based on the gap analysis of optimal control have been suggested function that allows to
perform quasioptimal motion control crane with a load on a flexible suspension. In the transition to
the new control have been found that the final system’s motion terms will deviate from the set. A
correction of the maximum value of the control function which is equal pulses with optimal and
quasioptimal control have been suggested.
With the help of relative deviation of the crane speed movement at the end of the acceleration
from an established (determined) value, and the amplitude of the residual load fluctuations have been
investigated the quality of the system to achieve a given end state and impact on the duration of these
indicators increase (decrease) control function from zero to the maximum (minimum) value.

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