The article considers and solves the problem of determining the stress concentration factor in the junction area of the driving flange-wall of the I-beam, which allows to determine
load bearing capacity of the monorail. The determination of the stress state was carried out using strain gauges of type 2PKB-3-100B, with a base of 3 mm, glued along the contour of the radius dumbbell of full-length I-sections with shelves of constant and variable thickness. The measurement was performed using a strain gauge bridge. The analysis was carried out and the monorail operation under variable load was investigated.
Thus, the presented model is a tool for establish the features of loading of arch support elements at the movement of rolling stock along the monorail and calculations of the values of loads that have a direct impact on the carrier arch support in transport workings with suspended monorail road. By adjusting the interaction parameters of the system in question "Rolling stock - monorail - arch support - an array of rocks", such as the speed of transportation and the mass of the transported cargo falling on one pair of support rollers, you can predict the throughput development workings and, accordingly, the pace of their implementation and the time preparation of new excavation pillars in the conditions of intensification of mountain works.
It is shown that when a monorail is operating at a variable load, fatigue cracks arise in the transition zone of the shelf to the wall. The appearance of a crack in the shelf, in all cases, occurred at the point of transition to rounding at the wall, although the stress along the shelf is greater in magnitude than at the wall. Based on the method of V.V. Vasiliev calculated stress concentration coefficients in the fillets of I-beams of existing standards. The transition to effective concentration ratios and testing on the pulsator provide for the calculation of the flanges of the I-beams for fatigue.